Q: How much do the camps cost?
A: Code Adventure is completely free! Big thanks to our sponsors.
Q: When are the camps?
A: March 23 and June 13-15 2024.
Q: Where are the camps?
A: Lehi, Utah.
Q: Who can attend the camps?
A: All boys and girls in the Hispanic community ages 13-18 are welcome to attend the camp in March. All girls ages 13-18 can attend the summer camp.
Q: Are there any prerequisites or expectations to attend?
A: Nope! There is no prior knowledge or coursework required. In fact, our camp is designed specifically for youth who have NO experience with technology or coding.
Q: What's the day-to-day schedule like for the camps?
A: Please see our hour-by-hour schedule: here.
Q: In what way could I help?
A: Great! There are many ways you could help in the camp, whether that's as a sponsor or a volunteer. Please check out our Sponsors and Mentor pages for more information and fill out the respective forms. If you have any other questions or concerns, please reach out to us: code.adventure.utah@gmail.com.